First Gaming Squad van update

Game van seating

Can we fit 16 people on these seats?

Ok its not much but the guys have been busy creating a template for the two tiered seating. Lucky they did because If we had gone for the original dimensions those sat on the bottom tier would have had their noses pressing against the TV’s 🙂

Now the dimensions are set the plywood will all be pulled out and we’ll start again. The hard work and transformation starts here. Stay tuned to our blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels to see this van transform in front of your very eyes!

What are gaming vans?

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Gaming vans coming to South Wales soon

Gaming Squad will be bringing gaming vans to the roads of South Wales but what are they and what can you expect?

Well first of all they are huge. You won’t miss them should you happen to share the road with them. Gaming vans started in America and it is a huge business over there with over 700 vans operating across the states. In the last few years the vans have come across the pond with most ventures operating out of London where the industry is becoming an established part of the party scene.

Gaming Squad aim to be the first company to bring these vans to the roads of South Wales. So what can you expect? Well our first van is packed full of the latest in console gaming technology. We’ll have the latest Xbox’s and Playstations and we’ll have representation from Nintendo to. They’ll all be connected to the latest Ultra HD 4K TV’s with each TV connected to a dedicated booming surround sound theatre bar. All in all the van will cater for 16 kids or 12 adults allowing them to enjoy playing the latest games against each other in the forgotten art of social gaming. Stay tuned for a chance to win the first ever Gaming Squad party. More will be revealed later on.

The journey starts now

The largest van on the road

Gaming Squad is finally live. Today we purchased our van. No ordinary van. Its the biggest van on the road. Truly got to be seen to be appreciated. The guys who will be customising it have already nicknamed it the beast and these guys deal with hundreds of vans every week. It dwarfs the rest of the vans in their garage.

Stay tuned to see how we will change this van from a builders van to a state of the art gaming theatre. No expense spared. We will be posting regular updates both here and on our social media channels. Please connect with whichever channel suits you best by clicking one of the below icons and keep an eye out for a competition to win Gaming Squads first ever party.